Life as Amber knows it

"An adventure in the making…"

Monthly Archives: April 2012


Gone but never forgotten

You will always be to me

A diminutive piece of my soul

That was never meant to be

You were the dream of ecstatic longing

The wanting waiting game

I never once got to meet you

But yet my heart will not be the same

One of the greatest gifts ever given

That turned into a heart-wrenching scream

A loss I’ll never get over

Out of all the hells I’ve seen

Wow! I had no idea! (from the archives)

Originally posted on THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2008

Wow… I had NO idea!!!

In a recent Newsweek edition, there was an article about the TLC show “The Secret Life of a Soccer Mom”. Basically, the idea behind the show is the producers give a stay at home mom a chance at the career she stopped to be at home with her kids. There’s been some negative and positive feedback about the television show (in case you’re wondering, my opinion is, do what makes you happy, but don’t decide to be a stay at home mom, and then go on an effing reality television show and whine about what you gave up. If you need to work to be happy, THEN WORK. DUH!!!!). In the comments section after the article, one women posted that stay at home moms are “Glorified Prostitutes”.


Wow! I am super exicted about this! Here, I thought all I was doing was making the choice that made me happiest and worked best for my family. I figured at most, I was a pretty good house keeper, chef, and boo-boo kisser. My skills at block building are getting better every day, and I’ve come up with some really excellent silly songs just for my daughter. I consider it a big deal if I get up the time and the energy to put on actual clothes and get out of my pj’s. We won’t talk about how rare it is that I actually fix my hair and put on make up, and I honestly couldn’t tell you the last time I wore a pair of “Fuck Me” heels.

Maybe I’m wrong, but the last time I checked, don’t prostitutes wear makeup and fix their hair? Aren’t their clothes exceedingly slutty and tend to stay away from the baggy track pants set? And isn’t it a requirement to have at least 3 inches of platform on your shoes to even qualify?

And what about the “glorified” part of it? I gotta tell ya, dear reader, that I have yet to feel any glory when I’m cleaning the toilet, especially the one my husband frequents. I most definately am not feeling my most glorious when the ass I’m wiping isn’t my own. Not to mention the glory that goes along with begging and bribing your three year old with a bag of M & M’s to please just sit on the potty for a few minutes. Maybe I missed feeling glory when my daughter, in a fit of ten day old rage at being given her first full bath since her belly stump fell off, decided that the best way to retaliate at the jerks who had the audacity to bathe her was to shit all over her bath towel.

But hey, at least my husband’s thrilled. Now when someone asks what his wife does for a living, he can grin mischeviously and tell them he can’t really say, but it is illegal in 49 states.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Poem: “Windsong Way”

Windsong Way yet once again

In the night time’s dreaming end

Where we would run and scream and cry

What once was blue now is white

Quickly covered by brush in dawn’s new light

And yet the band of lies still turns

Like the ball of hate and yearn

We knew so well back on the lane

Anger’s cover so wrongly named

And what of those voices crying loud

From dusk ’til dawn inside and out

The horrors we saw then do reappear

Like ghosts gliding up on our blood soaked tears

Windsong Way is buried and gone

Only to rise up on our own heart’s song